Old Friends
Simon + Garfunkel
Gmaj7Old frDmaj7iends Gmaj7old frDmaj7iends sEm7at on their pA7ark bench like bDookHmends. a nEm7ewspaper blown through the grAass falls on the rHmound toes on the hDmaj7igh shoes of the Gold frD6iendsGmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7old frDmaj7iends Em7winter compA7anions the Gmaj7old mF#m7en lEm7ost in their A7overcoats wDaiting fEm7or the sHmunset the sEm7ounds of the cA7ity sF#m7ifting through trHmees settle like dAust on the shGoulders of the D6old friends cEm7an you imA7agine us Dmaj7years from today shGaring a pGmark bench qDuietly how tEm7erribly strA7ange to be sHmeventy Gmaj7old frDmaj7iends mEm7emory brA7ushes the sGmaj7ame F#m7years sEm7ilently shA7aring the sD6ame fHmearsGmaj7 ... Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 |
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Neuloženo trvale!!! Pouze změna prohlížeči. Pro trvalé uložení publikujte.
Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:10.723+00:00
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